Ruth McDermott created a series of winter themed videos which were projected onto shop windows around the town square. Local high school students created 'winter lamps' which were exhibited in unused shop fronts. Kindergarten children drew 'winter monsters' for projection on a local buildings. The central square was decorated with colour changing lights. Thanks to Elisabet Gunnarsdottir, Artsiceland and Ísafjörður Municipality for their amazing support of this project. Graphic Design Einar Viðar Guðmundsson
Hotel Ísafjörður Projection - Tales of sea monsters have played a colourful role in Icelandic folk culture for centuries, and several written accounts of them can be found in Ísafjörður. School children's images of the local sea monster were turned into videos by Ruth McDermott and Einar Viðar Guðmundsson. Awards were given in the students' lighting competition at MÍ and Lýðskólan and a presentation will took place at Silfurtorg. Hotel Ísafjörður created a special BLUE WINTER DRINK for the event
Miðvikudagur 25. október Wednesday, October 25 17:00 Vetrarljós 17:00 Winter Lights — Opnun Veturnátta og kynning á ljósainnsetningu áströlsku listakonunnar Ruth McDermott. — Opening of Winter Night and presentation of a light installation by Australian artist Ruth McDermott.
Kynning á Vetrarljósum, ljósainnsetningu og listaverkefni áströlsku listakonunnar Ruth McDermott, sem er uppsett í miðbæ Ísafjarðar. Presentation of Winter Lights, a light installation and art project by the Australian artist Ruth McDermott, which is installed in the center of Ísafjörður.
Ruth McDermott er listakona búsett í Sydney í Ástralíu og hefur unnið með listrænar ljósinnsetningar í tvo áratugi. Hún er með doktorsgráðu í hönnun og vinnur jöfnum höndum sem listamaður og fræðimaður. Hún hefur mikla trú á áhrifum þess að nota ljós á listrænan hátt til að skapa einstæðar upplifanir í opinberu rými að næturlagi.
Ruth McDermott is an artist living in Sydney, Australia and has been working with artistic light installations for two decades. She has a PhD in design and works equally as an artist and researcher. She strongly believes in the effect of using light artistically to create unique experiences in public spaces at night.
Ruth McDermott dvaldi í gestavinnustofum ArtsIceland á Ísafirði í október á síðasta ári og fékk þá áhuga á Veturnóttum. Ruth McDermott stayed at ArtsIceland's guest studios in Ísafjörður in October last year and then became interested in Winter Nights.
Hún hefur undirbúið vídeóverk og ljósaskreytingar sem komið verður fyrir í gluggum og víðar um miðbæinn.
She has prepared a video work and light decorations that will be placed in windows and elsewhere in the city center.
Hamraborg Shopfront, Klaedakot Shopfont and Verslunin Jón og Gunna Shop front - Display of decorative lights and creating glowing shop windows in the deep winter of the northern Iceland village. Hamraborg also prepared a local drink called BLÁR ÍS ÚR VEL or Blue Ice from well